Cashroom Cares at Christmas
Working in the legal industry can be extremely rewarding and busy at the same time. It can be difficult to take a moment of calm in your day to yourself. Especially with the new hybrid working culture, switching off from work has been made even tougher. How many of us are guilty of having our work emails on our phones? Just quickly checking your messages and emails whilst wrapping presents or watching the TV? As accessible as technology has made remote and flexible working and the host of benefits that brings, we also need to remember to take time to fully switch off and re-charge, especially during the festive period.
We are urging all our connections and Cashroom friends to take a moment to yourself and have a moment of calm in your busy day. Share your moments with us using the hashtag #CashroomCares. Whether it’s treating yourself to some chocolates, having a coffee, reading a book, whatever it may be that brings you calmness during your busy working days.
Tips for taking a moment of Calm in your day
Take 10 Breaths
Take a moment to breathe and reflect. Take 10 deep breaths. This is a great technique for when you may be feeling stress or having a tough day at work as this can be done anywhere. On your morning commute, at your desk or on your lunch. Take a few minutes to breathe.
List 3 positives for the day
When we are busy and feel stressed, it can be easy to forget the positives you may have completed in your day. Aim to list three things that have been positive at the end of your working day. Did you get a task done you have been putting off? Get through all of your to-do lists for the day? Receive some great client feedback? Whatever it may be that has been a positive in your day, take the time to note them down to reflect on.
Have a chat with a co-worker or friend
Especially when working remote, we can go hours of even days without speaking to our co-workers. Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and have a chat, it doesn’t always have to be specifically about work. Ask them how their day is going and tell them about yours.
Go for a walk
Especially in the winter months, it can feel like we don’t see much daylight. Try to get out and go for a walk, in the morning or on your lunch break, it doesn’t have to be a massive hike, just a 5–10-minute walk can help relieve stress.
At Cashroom, we encourage our staff to join in our daily mile. Staff are given the option to take an additional 15-minute break at 11am or 3pm whichever works best for them, to go outside and walk a mile. Getting away from your desk, even for a short time throughout the day, can increase productivity, relieve stress and allows you to re-charge a little. Plus, you can go with your co-workers to get everyone more motivated and social.
How will you take your moment of calm and switch off over Christmas? Let us know on LinkedIn or Twitter using the hashtag #CashroomCares.
And to find out about our services or to book a call in with our team, get in touch:
P: 01695 550950
About Cashroom
Cashroom provides expert outsourced accounting services for Law Firms including Legal Cashiering, Management Accounts and Payroll services. Our mission is to free lawyers from the complexities of legal accounting by supporting the industry with accurate management information and allowing lawyers to do what they do best – practice law.
We’ve been with Cashroom for quite a few years now, and I would never go back. In any business, and particularly in times of uncertainty, it’s important to control your costs, and that’s exactly what you help me do.